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If you have questions or need additional information
please contact us at:
209-744-4545 ext. 308 or ext. 338
INtra-District Transfer (SCHOOL CHOICE/open enrollment) Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year 

INtra-District Transfer (SCHOOL CHOICE/open enrollment) Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year 

Applications are available at every school site and the district office
(Form must include date/time recieved)
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year

>>> Click Here to Register Online <<<

  • Enrollment in Kindergarten requires that a child be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2025
  • Enrollment in Transitional Kindergarten requires that a child be 4 years of age before September 1, 2025
  • Transitional Kindergarten for all students will be at Fairsite School Readiness Center at 902 Caroline Street, Galt

Current students do not need to re-register. However, parents/guardians can update a student’s profile in Synergy.
Registration forms in English / Español
New Student Registration for the current 2024-2025 School YEar

New Student Registration for the current 2024-2025 School YEar

>>Click Here to Register Online<<
  • Enrollment in Kindergarten requires that a child be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2024
  • Enrollment in Transitional Kindergarten requires that a child be 5 years of age between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025
  • Transitional Kindergarten for all students will be at Fairsite School Readiness Center at 902 Caroline Street, Galt
Registration forms in English / Español


Parents wishing to enroll their student(s) in a public school outside of the Galt Joint Union Elementary School District must apply for an Inter-district Transfer - English / Español.

These forms can be obtained at the Galt Elementary District Office. This option is open to everyone.
The Inter-district Transfer process involves two steps. First, the residence district has the option to approve or deny the transfer request. Then, the district to which the student wishes to transfer will either approve or deny the application. Approval by the residence district does not guarantee that the student will be accepted by the requested district.

For more information on the Inter-district Transfer process, please contact the Educational Services Department at:
209-744-4545 ext. 303.
FAIRSITE PRESCHOOL Registration Begins March 1, 2025 

FAIRSITE PRESCHOOL Registration Begins March 1, 2025 

The Galt Joint Union Elementary School District's State Preschool Program is administered through the Early Education and Support Division of the California Department of Education. The program serves children who turn 3 by September 1, 2025. The program offers both 1/2 day and full day services. The State Preschool Program is for families who are income eligible.  Please contact the office for more information.
Our Transitional Kindergarten classes are for children who turn 4 years of age by September 1, 2025.  Our TK program is administered through the Galt Joint Union Elementary District, and follows all District policies. We have both AM and PM classes.
Both the Preschool and TK programs provide a core class curriculum that is developmentally appropriate for the children served. Fairsite provides meals and snacks to children, daily recess, and weekly visits to the school library and STEAM room (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math).

Preschool Registration 2025-2026 

Preschool registration begins on March 1st.  Please come by the Fairsite Preschool Office to pick up an Enrollment Packet or print the documents below. 
1. Complete the Preschool Registration Packet: English / Español    
2. Bring the completed forms to the Fairsite office.
On or After March 1st - Complete and return preschool registration forms to:
Fairsite Preschool
902 Caroline Avenue
Galt, CA  95632
New Student Registration for the CURRENT 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR