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Dear Parents, students, and families,
Please join us this Saturday, February 1, for the 18t h annual Galt Winter Bird Festival at McCaffrey Middle School. This is a Free, Fun, and Educational event for the wholecommunity sponsored by the City of Galt, the two Galt school districts, and the Cosumnes River Preserve.
From 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, enjoy live animal shows, arts and crafts activities, vendor
displays, photography exhibits, and presentations from expert scientists and naturelovers. Be sure to see this year's student artwork, grades K-12.

Join one of the many tours to the Cosumnes River Preserve and other local wildlifeviewing areas.

New this year is the early morning Spanish Bilingual Sandhill Crane Tour starting at
6:30 am. Later in the morning, at 9:00 am, is the Family Fun at the Cosumnes River
Preserve tour.
Register here to hold your spot since tours are filling fast. Activity search | Galt Parks and Recreation Department
For all additional information, visit

Begin the month of February celebrating Galt's amazing diversity of wildlife!

                                            See you on Saturday!