Prop 28: Arts and Music
On November 8, 2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act. The measure required the state to establish a new, ongoing program supporting arts instruction in schools beginning in 2023–24.
The legislation allocates 1 percent of the kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) portion of the Proposition 98 funding guarantee provided in the prior fiscal year, excluding funding appropriated for the AMS education program. Local educational agencies (LEAs) with 500 or more students are required to ensure that at least 80 percent of AMS funds to be expended are used to employ certificated or classified employees to provide arts education program instruction. The remaining funds must be used for training, supplies and materials, and arts educational partnership programs, with no more than 1 percent of funds received to be used for an LEA’s administrative expenses. The full text of the statute is available here: Chapter 5.1 of Part 6 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Education CodeExternal. (Section 8820 et seq.).
2023-24 GJUESD AMS Annual Reports
2023-24 GJUESD AMS Annual Reports![]()
2023-24 GJUESD AMS Annual Reports
What does Proposition 28 legislation entail?
Proposition 28 (Prop 28), also known as Arts and Music in Schools Funding (AMS), passed by California voters, aims to supplement arts education and promote "more arts for more kids." Galt Joint Union Elementary School District (GJUESD) is committed to this vision, striving to build and expand robust arts programs across all grade levels.
Proposition 28 (Prop 28), also known as Arts and Music in Schools Funding (AMS), passed by California voters, aims to supplement arts education and promote "more arts for more kids." Galt Joint Union Elementary School District (GJUESD) is committed to this vision, striving to build and expand robust arts programs across all grade levels.
What does funding look like in the future years?
Prop 28 funds will be distributed subject to the state’s general fund. Current allocations are posted on the CDE Website. AMS funds can be utilized over a three-year period, enabling schools to strategically plan and allocate resources.
Prop 28 funds will be distributed subject to the state’s general fund. Current allocations are posted on the CDE Website. AMS funds can be utilized over a three-year period, enabling schools to strategically plan and allocate resources.
How are the Arts plans being created at the school site?
Sites gathered feedback from partners (families, teachers and students) to create plans tailored to their arts programs' needs. They considered immediate and long-term goals to effectively utilize arts funding. Sites will continue to gather feedback throughout the year as they begin implementation of actions expanding their arts programs.
If you have suggestions or any questions, please reach out to your school administrator.
How will GJUESD use Prop 28 funds as intended by the state?
GJUESD is aligned with the state's intentions for Prop 28 funds. Each site has been provided a planning template which transparently outlines the full AMS funding amount dedicated to developing and implementing arts programs, ensuring funds will be used in accordance with the program's purpose. The site planning template is a living document that can be updated throughout the year as we gather additional feedback.
GJUESD is aligned with the state's intentions for Prop 28 funds. Each site has been provided a planning template which transparently outlines the full AMS funding amount dedicated to developing and implementing arts programs, ensuring funds will be used in accordance with the program's purpose. The site planning template is a living document that can be updated throughout the year as we gather additional feedback.